Monday, 17 October 2011

Digital Technology Skills Over Time

Describe how you developed your skills in the use of digital technology for media production and evaluate how these skills contributed to your creative decision making. Refer to a range of examples in your answer to show how these developed over time.

I started my AS project with little knowledge on what to do. I have had a little experience using Photoshop, but also took Media in GCSE, so I knew something about the project, but not much. We was set the task of making a college magazine at first, to get used to what was ahead of us, then we made a front cover, double page spread, and contents page of a music magazine, with a genre of choice.

So when making the magazine cover, and making my images better, so adding effects, I found this quite easy, like adding colour effects, making them brighter and making them standing out more on the cover, I found this easy because I had previous experience doing this, but when it came to cutting around the images and adding different backgrounds, I found this very difficult. I think the reason being that it didn't look realistic, and when its a professional music magazine, you cant tell its been done on Photoshop, it look realistic and I found it hard making it look realistic.

In the planning stages, research was key, on making our magazine a success. This was very easy for me. Looking at other magazines and comparing them to what I hoped mine to look like was one of the first stages of my planning, then looking at what genre my magazine was going to be and looking at genres of the same kind. I also researched my target age group, I looked at what magazines which ages already read, and made sure that my music magazine had the same elements to suit my target audience. I also looked at the artists in that genre, too see what elements they use in their music videos, and tried to incorporate them in my magazine.

I posted all of my research and planning on, a blogging website. I created my own AS Media blog and posted all of my work onto here. I think that its good to post all of the work onto here as it means that its more interactive. It also means I could add pictures, videos and hyperlinks, this way it was more understandable and less boring. Posting on Blogger also meant that I could create blogs and get audience feedback, ask questions and find the answer. It also meant that I could access this at home and college. I think that blogger meant that we could express ourselves better too instead of boring writing on word. We could make our blogs creative and make them more interesting too. Also with all the poll questions answered it meant that we could go back and improve on what had been said about the work.

Using the internet was another big help. Without the internet then it would have been hard to have researched most of what I did. I looked on Goggle to find out about magazine companys and what they did. I also researched artists and genres. Blogger is also apart of the internet so it was a massive help to use this. Youtube also helped me, it meant that I could go on this website and research artists, and plan what to put into my magazine. By looking on youtube for the Miley Cyrus video, it meant I could look at what people her age, so the target audience like to do, and this helped me put elements of what they do like into my magazine to keep them interested.

I also used publisher to create a small questionairre to ask what people liked and didnt like about my magazine. This helped also for me to improve on what I had done. One of the reasons I used publisher was because it makes it easy for adding pictures and colourful fonts. I also planned out my drafts onto publisher, this way it was easy to see how my magazine contents page could be laid out and how it would look. I also did better drafts of where what would go on publisher. Publisher helped me a lot and I kept going back to this to see what I could do with my magazine.

Talking to people was another mode of how I did my researching and planning, seeing what the target audience, so people my own age, what they liked to see in magazines, especially music magazines, like what the pictures they expect to see and what colour scheme would suit a music magazine. this helped a lot because it was facts and true information from the people who buy the magazines. I would definantly do this again in the planning stages, just talking to people as it means that you get a different idea on what other people think should go into a magazine, so when doing all my planning for the music video in A2, I will be asking people what they think of music videos and what they like to see, as then I know that if I do what they say, then the music video will be to the target audiences liking.

When going on to A2, I will use most of my research and planning methods that I did on the AS course, this is because I think that the researching part of it was successful, and using resources like the internet helped me a lot and was seen as very successful. I will also use some of the planning methods, but maybe a few more hand written thoughts and ideas would help me as these are more from the top of my head, I think most of my planning and research was about looking on the internet and not enough quick thoughts.

In the future I will use most of these planning and research elements again. I think that the internet, blogger, youtube, publisher and word are all good to use, and without these it would have been hard to even start the music magazine. This has showed me what planning and researching does when designing something new and what the industry has to go through in order to create something.

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